The 2016 Year 10 trip this year headed to the wonderful Berlin. Day 1 wasn’t particularly intense because of the flight.
We dined in a traditional restaurant (Bavarian), were we tasted typical food and danced, too! As soon as we arrived we felt how strange and energetic (and cold!) Berlin was.
We visited a lot of places; my favourite was the Berlin TV tower by night, which was magical and breath taking. The lights of the city seemed like stars from the top.
I was incredibly fascinated by the rests of the Berlin wall. Each piece colourful and ruined by time, told a story, an emotion. The tour we had was incredibly interesting, as it made us understand more about the history of this city.
The Berlin zoo was enormous and very well organised, however, as a raging animal lover, I have to admit it made me a bit sad to see beautiful and majestic animals such as wolves, elephants and leopards trapped in a cage. But overall, it was a very good occasion for me to admire them from close up.
A particularly touching visit was the trip to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. It was incredibly quiet and it seemed it was even colder in there.
It was a very nice trip and I hope I will return to visit Berlin, but maybe with hotter weather!