We are all aware that the world is changing and that there is an increasing need for adaptation. The careers that we view as necessary now might disappear in the next decade due to the rapid improvement of AI technology. Therefore it’s important for students to know in which direction they should continue their study path to reach careers that are better suited for the future. Here are some careers which are predicted to boom in the next 10 years.
AI and machine learning specialist:
As AI technology is everyday becoming more integrated into our lives, there is the need for specialists who can study it in more detail. It is predicted that the demand for this career will increase by 40%, resulting in the creation of one million jobs around the world.
Wind turbines technicians:
The effects of global warming have now become evident, including the fact that action has to be taken against it. Countries are now opting for the use of clean energy, therefore people who are able to install and repair machines like wind turbines or solar photovoltaic panels will be more requested. In fact, the demand for this occupation is predicted to increase by 63% as demand for renewable energy increases in the future.
Home health aides are people who provide personalised assistance to those who have difficulty in performing everyday activities. The demand for this job is predicted to increase by 37% due to the continuous rising of the ageing population, as well as more people becoming more reliant on home care rather than nursing homes or hospitals.