Adopt Don’t Shop
Adopted Dog, Ackee
Adoption is not just the right thing to do, it is a reward. Every year 2,7 million dogs and cats are euthanized in United States, this is because there are too many pets which come into shelters and too few people who are willing to adopt them. The number of animals euthanized would reduce so much if people started to adopt animals instead of buying them. Now I am asking you a question; what is the difference between buying a pet and adopting one ? Well if you adopt a pet you are saving it’s life, you save a loving animal who just wants to part of a family and open shelter space for other animals who desperately need it. You would also get a great animal; all the animals in shelters are great, happy and healthy animals just waiting for someone to take them home and save their life and that person may be you.
I also want you to consider the cost, it may not be important for some people but it may concern others. If you adopt a pet you would definitely save money. Normally vaccinations, spay are all included in the adoption price. Next think about how much you will enjoy having a pet at home which will always make you smile. By adopting not only you give the animal a second chance to be happy but you also donate some money which will then be used for other shelters to help other animals. Also by adopting a pet you stimulate other people to adopt and you encourage others to adopt from shelters. YOU can make the difference. Each one of us can make a difference but all of us can make a change! What you do can make a difference now it’s your turn to decide what kind of difference you want to make and remember ADOPT DON’T SHOP!!
By adopting you can make a huge difference, remember the best things in life are rescued. I interview a man which works in a animals adoption place and he said: “remember a dog in the only thing on earth that will love you more than itself .” People that say money can’t buy happiness probably never have adopted a pet before. Your difference is important and not only for the animal but for the entire world. You can make a small difference but if everyone started to adopt then there would be a huge change made in the world.
It is really easy to adopt an animal. You just need to go to adoption center and ask for the animal you are interested in and they will show you all kind of different types of that specify animal all looking for a happy home to stay. If you don’t live next to one, don’t hesitate, you can go online and look at whatever animal interest you online and then just make one call to change a life.