International Day Unites St Louis

In September 2017, the students of St. Louis School, along with the parents and teachers, celebrated International Day as a way of reminding themselves that a new year has just started and numerous possibilities and experiences line the path ahead.

The Primary School prepared very well for this occasion and delighted the crowd with an assortment of dishes from different cultures, prepared lovingly by the parents. This year, International Day was pleased to welcome all the families from Colonna, who made the experience even more unique.

As soon as the children found out which song they were singing this year, they all did their best to make it as good as it could be. This International Day ran very smoothly, underlining the fantastic collaboration between different members of the community.

Following a rousing performance, Pietro M,  reflected on the hours of practice and hard work: “It has been approximately four weeks that we have been practising and I really enjoyed singing as part of the choir”, he said, before heading-off to savour the Argentinian delicacies, amidst a rich tapestry of international cuisine. This really
shows the excitement, which seized many of the students, because school hadn’t even started four weeks before!

The parents played a very important role in the success of International day, as they provided the food, which greeted the children after they finished singing. The school asked all the families from different cultures to prepare special dishes so that everyone could try them out and have the possibility to understand and learn about different parts of the world. The food was a great success and the students had devoured it all by the time everyone went home.

The wonderful singing didn’t only delight the parents, as the teachers and professors foundit exceptional. “It is a brilliant idea and the song was fantastic!” said Mr. Curran, Head of the Middle School Maths department and Zeus.

Mrs. Lomax, Head of Jupiter house, added: “It gives the new students and staff members an example of the spirit at St Louis.”

The Key Stage 3 coordinators thought that it was a fantastic idea, as Jenny, the Head of Primary School
explained: “The international Day gets better and better, year by year and of the seven International Days I have experienced, this is the best.”

Once again, the grate diligence with which the school prepared, is shown by the satisfaction of all teachers, students and the families. International day was a great success. It was a wonderful occasion to unite all the students and to begin the year positively. It contributed towards creating new friendships, strengthening existing bonds and next year is eagerly anticipated to show the improvements carried out during the year. We hope that you will take part in next year’s International Day!