Grease Special – An insider’s view
Diana is third from the right
The experience of being part of a school performance is always very fun and entertaining, but this one of Grease has also been amusing. We have all worked so hard to arrive at, what Mrs. Warringer described “a proper theatre representation”. She told us, the cast, that she did not want a normal school show, and this is what came out.
It has been a proper production, with main characters, a band with choir, extra dancers, different settings and costumes for all scenes. During this experience, we have learned how to solve problems we have had, how to improvise if someone did not have enough time to change, or how to continue the show no matter what problems occurred “the show must go on”.
Even if you were not a main character in the show, like me, we were still able to help with the costume changes , setting and organisation between the scenes, and this was important to me.
This has been an experience where Year 10 and 12 students have joined and worked collaboratively to create what we can call a theatre representation. If I think back to the beginning with all the rehearsals I can say that this has been “ a fantastic and rewarding journey” in the words if Mrs. Warringer.
This experience will leave those of us, with either minor or major roles, with memories that can’t be forgotten because of the strong emotions and the pressure of performing in front of the public, or for the problems that were solved without the audience even noticing.
A professional, fun, and entertaining show has been created and represented St Louis school. No matter the issues that have come up, we, as a cast, thank Mrs. Warringer, Mrs Mandracchia, and all the parents, for making this show a marvelous experience for us.
To summarize, even with all the hard work and exhausting rehearsals, I can say that as a cast member it does feel strangely empty, now that it has all ended. I personally can’t wait for the next production, where I can participate, and meet new people, and experience once again drama as one of the arts of communication.